Called Higher Studios Launches ‘Worst Day, Best Day’ Podcast, Hosted by Studio Founder, Jason Brown

Franklin, TN (October 8, 2020) — Called Higher Studios, the world’s first Christian fan-owned faith-based studio that is revolutionizing faith-based movie making, launched the new Worst Day, Best Day Podcast, hosted by studio co-founder, Jason Brown. The podcast features lively discussions and inspiring stories with guests about the power of God to turn their worst day into their best day. Newsmakers and storytellers who are impacting our world share personal stories where, with God’s help, they persevered and came through more equipped to handle the trials ahead, which is a timely message of encouragement during the novel experiences of 2020.

“This podcast has one purpose, to give hope to people out there who are going through tough times. We hope that by sharing people’s stories who have been there before, their experiences of how God walked beside them, we can encourage others to stay the course and find hope in Jesus,” says Brown.

Guests for the first 3 episodes include:

Ash Greyson: movie executive, co-founder of Called Higher Studios, Inc.

Ashley Bratcher: actress (Unplanned), film producer

Kevin Sorbo: actor (God’s Not Dead, Hercules, Andromeda), film producer

Listen to the Worst Day, Best Day Podcast here:

Apple Here

Google Podcasts: Here

Spotify: Here

Movie executives, and studio co-founders, Brown and Ash Greyson, launched the new venture in 2019, and by April 2020 had raised over one million dollars in capital from over 3700 investments to fund the studio’s operations. Called Higher Studios’ first production slate includes “Camp Hideout,” a family camp movie that teaches kids about Christ and unconditional love, and “The Grace of Christ,” a period film with the screenplay, based on the crucifixion, written by Brian Baugh, director of “I’m Not Ashamed,” the acclaimed Christian film based on the Columbine High School Shootings. The studio plans to start production on “Camp Hideout” next summer with other films to follow.

To learn more about Called Higher Studios and the Best Day, Worst Day podcast, visit the studio’s new website,

Connect with the studio:

Facebook: @CalledHigherStudios

Twitter: @HigherCalled

Instagram: @CalledHigherStudios

YouTube: @CalledHigherStudios

About Called Higher Studios

Called Higher Studios is a faith-based movie studio taking advantage of equity crowdfunding that allows individual investors to own a portion of the studio through equity crowdfunding laws initiated in 2016. Based in Franklin, TN, the studio’s first slate of productions includes “The Grace of Christ,” a period film with the screenplay, based on the crucifixion, written by Brian Baugh, director of “I’m Not Ashamed,” the acclaimed Christian film based on the Columbine High School Shootings. The studio plans to start production on their new films in 2021.

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