Campaign for HOLY GHOST Movie Raises over $75K in First 24 Hrs


New Film by the Creator of the GOD ADVENTURE TRILOGY Finds

Incredible Kickstarter Support for New Project

Darren Wilson’s New Film – HOLY GHOST – Raises Over $77K from 455 Backers

in Less Than 24 Hours with Campaign That Allows Fans to be

Part of the Filmmaking Process

Campaign Seeks Additional $123,000 in Funds

 To Create a Film Alongside Supporters.

SOURCE: Biscuit PR

Chicago, IL – In a time when Kickstarter Campaigns seem to be launching every moment, it takes something truly unique to rise above and gain immediate attention.  Now in their second campaign with Kickstarter, Darren Wilson and the Wanderlust Productions team appear to have filled that niche, raising nearly 40% of their $200,000 goal in less than 24 hours to fund the 2014 release, HOLY GHOST.


As Darren himself puts it, “Our films have always struck a chord with people, but what makes this one exciting (and, honestly, terrifying) is that the whole process of making the film will be played out, live, to everyone who chooses to be a part of this journey.”


Wilson’s earlier films, the GOD ADVENTURE TRILOGY consisting of FINGER OF GOD, FURIOUS LOVE and FATHER OF LIGHTS led him to the corners of the Globe, seeking how God is moving and working in the lives of the faithful.  Now, with HOLY GHOST, Wilson sets off on his most challenging adventure yet, trying to capture a balanced yet exciting picture of the Holy Spirit and how he is working in the world today.  While HOLY GHOST will by no means attempt to explain every aspect of this often misunderstood member of the Trinity, the film will be one man’s journey to gain a better understanding of both the power and mystery of this part of God.


Like his other films, HOLY GHOST seeks to engage a worldwide audience.  From the alleyways of Brazil to the gates of the Vatican, this film will scope the many religions and belief systems in our world today.


Never one to play by the typical rules of filmmaking, this Kickstarter campaign hopes to make history.  Through this campaign, Darren will be offering an unprecedented look into the making of the film, and will even encourage supporters to help determine what questions he asks, what he films and even how the film will be put together.  Campaign supporters will be allowed to experience far more than just watching a movie in 2014.


To support the HOLY GHOST Kickstarter campaign, please go to:


For more information on Darren Wilson and his GOD ADVENTURE TRILOGY, please see:


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