Surprising OCTOBER BABY Stays Strong in Week 2

Grassroots Excitement Continues to Draw Audiences Nationwide

NEWS SOURCE: Lovell/Fairchild Comm.

NASHVILLEApril 3, 2012 – Samuel Goldwyn Films’ and Provident Films’ OCTOBER BABY posted another strong showing at the second-week box office, claiming the No. 2 spot for films in fewer than 500 theaters and the No. 7 spot in per-screen average for the top 20 films despite only showing in 387 theaters. Labeled “controversial” by many in the national media, OCTOBER BABY actually tells a story of forgiveness and healing.

“People don’t leave the theater arguing their views on abortion,” said Andy Erwin, who along with his brother, Jon, directed the film. “But, it does open conversations that are spilling into the lobbies and parking lots of theaters, and we’re hearing that those conversations are meaningful to people.”

OCTOBER BABY, distributed by Samuel Goldwyn Films and Provident Films, claimed the No. 8 spot at the box office (No. 1 in limited release) its opening weekend against blockbuster competition that included the record-setting THE HUNGER GAMES—which opened in 10 times as many theaters.

With scores of communities asking for the film, Goldwyn and Provident plan to hold theater count steady until Easter then expand April 13, possibly to 150 additional theaters. Fans who see the film are lighting up social media sites to express support and spread the word to friends around the country. For the film’s opening weekend, grassroots groups in 70 communities pre-purchased enough tickets to guarantee local showings, and groups can still form to bring the movie to their towns. (See for details and for a complete list of theater locations.)

OCTOBER BABY, starring John Schneider (Smallville, Dukes of Hazzard), Jasmine Guy (A Different World), and newcomers Rachel Hendrix and Jason Burkey, tells the story of 19-year-old Hannah, who discovers she’s adopted and the survivor of an attempted abortion. With friends from college, she hits the road to find answers and locate her birth mother. Ultimately, she finds the power of forgiveness.

With its “Every Life Is Beautiful” message, the film spurred national debate, bringing the conversation to audiences far beyond the Christian community. And that suits Jon Erwin fine.

“As Christians, OCTOBER BABY reflects our values,” he said. “But it isn’t a political statement; it’s a life-affirming statement. It’s starting conversations all over the map about the subject, and we’re glad for that.”

In support of its life-affirming theme, OCTOBER BABY producers assigned 10 percent of the film’s profits to the Every Life Is Beautiful Fund. The money will be distributed to organizations helping women face crisis pregnancies, to life-affirming adoption agencies and agencies caring for orphans.

OCTOBER BABY marks the Erwins’ feature film debut building on their extensive experience directing award-winning music videos. OCTOBER BABY is a production of The Erwin Brothers and American Family Studios.
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About Provident Films
Provident Films, a division of Provident Music Group, develops, produces and markets faith-based films. Nashville-based Provident Music Group, a division of Sony Music Entertainment, has been one of the world’s leading Christian entertainment companies for more than three decades.

About Samuel Goldwyn Films
Samuel Goldwyn Films is a major, independently owned and operated motion-picture company. The company develops, produces and distributes innovative feature films and documentaries, working with world renowned and emerging writers and filmmakers. Goldwyn is consistently committed to filmed entertainment offering original voices in uniquely told stories.

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