Indie Film OCTOBER BABY Debuts in Box Office Top 10

Samuel Goldwyn Films/Provident Films OCTOBER BABY
Opens at No. 8 in the Nation, No. 1 for Limited-Release Movies

NEWS SOURCE: Lovell/Fairchild

NASHVILLE March 27, 2012OCTOBER BABY, by Jon and Andy Erwin, had the third highest per-screen average and closed at No. 8 in the nation for its opening weekend competing against THE HUNGER GAMES—one of the most successful Hollywood blockbuster openings ever—in more than 10 times as many theaters.* Opening in a relatively modest 390 theaters, Samuel Goldwyn Films/Provident Films OCTOBER BABY also rode strong grassroots support and word of mouth to a No. 1 ranking for limited-release movies.

Though its story is apolitical, the movie quickly has become a lightning rod for those on every side of a highly charged issue.

“We never aimed to make a political film or villainize anyone, only to humanize—to tell a person’s story,” Co-Director and Co-Writer Jon Erwin said of the film. “The point was never to give answers but to ask penetrating questions and to start conversations; from all we’re hearing, OCTOBER BABY hits its mark.”

OCTOBER BABY, starring John Schneider (Smallville, Dukes of Hazzard), Jasmine Guy (A Different World), and newcomers Rachel Hendrix and Jason Burkey, tells the story of 19-year-old Hannah, who discovers she’s adopted and the survivor of an attempted abortion. With friends from college, she hits the road to find answers and to locate her birth mother. Ultimately she finds the power of forgiveness.

In support of its life-affirming theme, OCTOBER BABY producers have assigned 10 percent of the film’s profits to the Every Life Is Beautiful Fund. The money will be distributed to organizations helping women face crisis pregnancies, to life-affirming adoption agencies and agencies caring for orphans.

OCTOBER BABY may be the most important film I’ve ever been in,” Schneider said.

In advance screenings nationwide, OCTOBER BABY galvanized audiences; grassroots groups in more than 70 communities pre-purchased enough tickets to bring the film to their local theaters. (And groups can still form to guarantee local showings. See for details.) Support from a wide variety of Evangelical and Catholic organizations also helped spread the word. Meanwhile, audience response crowds the columns on Facebook, which continues to swell with fans.

  • “We drove over an hour to go see this movie, and it was so worth it.”
  • “To say I have been shaken to the core is an understatement.”
  • “This was such a quality movie!”

OCTOBER BABY marks the feature film debut of award-winning music video directors Jon and Andy Erwin and is a production of The Erwin Brothers and American Family Studios. It is distributed by Provident Films and Samuel Goldwyn Films.

* SOURCE: Box Office Mojo
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