“Deep in the Heart,” the story of Richard Wallrath, opens February 17




Film tells the redemptive story of the man who is the largest contributor to Texas 4H and FFA, and proves that everyone deserves a second chance.


SOURCE: Biscuit PR

DEEP IN THE HEART, the theatrical length film about the story of Richard Wallrath, opens throughout Texas on February 17.

Wallrath had hit rock bottom.  His personal demons had cost him everything, his family, his job, his hope, until Dick discovered a strong family and the love of his children were the true measure of a man’s worth.  With a new-found faith, a sober lifestyle and AA meetings to keep him in line, Wallrath and his sons created a successful business and became the highest all-time individual donor to Texas 4-H and FFA, creating educational scholarships for deserving teens.

DEEP IN THE HEART stars Jon Gries (Napoleon Dynamite, Lost, Taken), Elaine Hendrix (The Parent Trap, Inspector Gadget 2), DB Sweeney (The Cutting Edge, Fire in the Sky) and Val Kilmer (Top Gun, Tombstone, The Saint), and is rated PG-13.   The film is produced by Brian A. Hoffman (corked!) and Scott Duthie (Rivers End, Pure Country 2) and is executive produced by Jay Hoffman (September Dawn, Pure Country 2).

“I was personally inspired by the story of Mr. Wallrath,” explains Brian, who not only produced the film, but wrote it as well. “I felt the need to share it, in the hope that it can inspire people, not to be perfect, but to be the best they can be.”

Tom Maynard, the Executive Director for the Texas FFA Association, calls the film “Compelling. Inspiring!  It’s impossible to walk away from the film unaffected.”

DEEP IN THE HEART is rated PG-13 and will release February 17, 2012, distributed by Arc Entertainment.  For a full list of theaters, check out the official website – deepintheheartmovie.com

One thought on ““Deep in the Heart,” the story of Richard Wallrath, opens February 17

  1. So inspirational. He was a product of being abused, who grew up replicating his abusive father. He was full of hate and self hate. He was set free when he accepted the love of our wonderful Savior Jesus. With the wisdom God gave him, he was able to build a company and bless others. Shows what happens when someone walks in the Lords loving ways. God is always there to heal and to bless if we yield our lives and hearts to Him. Liked very much. Sharon

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