MoviesAnywhere Ending Screen Pass and Watching Movies Together

Movies Anywhere™ made the following announcement today…

At Movies Anywhere™, we are continually making changes to the website and app to help our users enjoy and grow their collections.

As the experience continues to evolve, we want to notify you that effective May 1 users will no longer be able to use the Screen Pass™ feature to send a Screen Pass. For Screen Passes sent prior to May 1, recipients will still be able to accept and finish watching the movie before their passes expire. As of June 1, the Screen Pass feature will no longer be supported. In addition, as of June 1, we will also no longer offer the ability for users to Watch Together.

We are committed to focusing on an experience which highlights the things our users are most passionate about, primarily growing their collections and watching their favorite movies across platforms and devices.

For more information on these upcoming changes, visit our Help Center.

-The Movies Anywhere Team

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