THE RESURRECTION PROJECT Launches Campaign for Global Film Launch

The Resurrection


Launches Unprecedented Campaign to Create The Largest Worldwide Film Launch –

Easter 2015.

Industry Leaders Unite with Audience to Create Groundbreaking Film



SOURCE: Frontgate Media

Los Angeles, CA – In an unprecedented campaign spanning the globe, The Resurrection Project has launched in preparation for the release of the groundbreaking major motion picture The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Slated for for Easter 2015, the focus is to assemble the largest worldwide film-viewing audience in history. Celebrating the burial and resurrection of Jesus, and the following 40 days when Jesus walked the Earth, the Resurrection Project’s producers are committed to uniting the global church, using modern technology to simultaneously release the film to all corners of the world.


“The real power of Christianity is in the risen Jesus,” explains Executive Producer David Wood.  “Even though most people know that Christ went to the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, it’s really the power in His resurrection that is the core of who we truly are as Christians.  The filmmakers who made the Passion of the Christ did an excellent job telling about Jesus’ death and sacrifice.  Now, this second film completes the picture, the full story of faith, hope and love.  This is the complete, positive story with eternal significance.”


The Resurrection Project is about much more than making a film. This is a crowd-driven movement with global reach.  Unlike most film projects, or most creative projects in general, where a team creates their artistic expression, seeks distribution, and then tries to find and draw in their audience, The Resurrection is using modern technology and media to build a worldwide audience in advance.  This audience will have input and involvement throughout the creative development process, and will be delivered the many artistic creations associated with the brand.


Not only will the film release for Easter 2015, currently in development are The Resurrection Church Resources, Game, Soundtrack and other film related projects.


The ultimate goal is to release The Resurrection of Jesus Christ simultaneously worldwide in theaters, in churches, direct to consumer via on-demand streaming, mobile streaming, and all forms of state of the art video delivery.  This allows people of faith in nearly every corner of the globe to see firsthand the story of God’s love and power in any video format that may be available.  By not limiting the story to American theaters, The Resurrection will be able to stream the film to churches in Australia, handheld devices in Asia, laptops in South America, smart phones in the Middle East, tablets in Africa and computers all over the globe.


To enable the team to create a film and resources of this magnitude without the pressures of the typical film studio system, The Resurrection is being funded through one of the largest crowdfunding campaigns to date.


In addition to organizational partnerships, The Resurrection is building an international team of Spiritual Advisors, Ambassadors, Prayer Partners, and Crowdfunders worldwide to participate directly in the making, funding and distribution of this movie and related resources.


“Our crowdfunding initiative provides The Resurrection with unique access to the consumer throughout production,” explains Wood.  “The real benefit of our crowdfunding strategy is that we are drawing the global body of believers to one site where they can do more than just support the film financially, they can also pray, talk, network, give feedback, and get involved in The Resurrection movement.”


A truly unique angle of the film’s promotion is the Ambassador Program.  A major part of the film’s Ministry and Marketing Strategy, Ambassadors will include mature and dedicated speakers who will travel the globe, meeting with organizations, churches, and influencers to unite The Resurrection Movement, as well as Social Media Ambassadors who support the cause through media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn and others.  Already 50 Ambassadors representing 12 nations are committed to the project.  More information on the Ambassador program can be found at


Prayer is also at the core of The Resurrection, and a vibrant team of thousands of volunteers have already assembled, committed to support the cause through prayer: for the film, the actors, the creators and for the other volunteers who are devoted to advancing the global church by supporting The Resurrection message.  The Prayer Team page can be found here –


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is steadfast in creating the most accurate portrayal of the events following Jesus’ crucifixion.  By leaning on an esteemed team of Spiritual Advisors and Experts in Scripture, along with a team of award winning filmmakers, The Resurrection is dedicated to Biblical accuracy, while not being held to political or branding concerns common to major film studios.


“Imagine hundreds of millions of churches and believers worldwide sharing the same message of truth, love and hope on the same day,” Wood continues. “We are anticipating a visceral experience created by The Resurrection that will leave a lasting impression, challenging non-believers to seek the Truth in their lives and motivating believers to walk stronger in their faith, further spreading the Truth throughout the nations.”


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