Still captivating audiences across the U.S., American Idol XIII (FOX) captures the personal stories of youths driven by faith and strong family values who compete each week to achieve their dreams.
Now down to Caleb Johnson & Jena Irene, the two final contestants will compete this week for the title of American Idol.
This season the show included spiritual advisors (Billy Mauldin, president and CEO of the Motor Racing Outreach ministry and his wife Julie) who acted as “life coaches” for the young Idol hopefuls, helping them manage the ups and downs of competition.
Tune-in to the #IdolFinale TUE|WED at 8/7c on @FOXTV
“Inspiring Quotes from the Set of American Idol”
“American Idol is a life experience for everyone involved that is filled with pressure. Everyone is expected to give their best, and to do so, it has to include pouring your heart and soul into it. The relief from the pressure comes when you know you have given your all and there is nothing more you can do.”
– Bill & Julie Mauldin
“The further you go, the more you want to win…it is only natural. If not, then you will not make it any further than this growing passion will take you. Passion is the power that drives the effort when you’re physically spent. Passion, again, is from the heart and soul…it reflects the spirit within you.”
– Bill & Julie Mauldin
“The reality is that there are some things you can change and others you cannot. The challenge is to identify what you can change and focus your efforts on them. You have to let go of things you cannot change. Letting go is hard, but this is where your faith kicks in. Faith believes in a God who can change what we cannot.”
– Bill & Julie Mauldin
“American Idol contestants are warriors… and every warrior needs a little R&R. As spiritual advisors, we were appointed to be the people who were in their lives where they could unload their weights of battle and kick back and relax, if just for a few minutes.”
– Bill & Julie Mauldin
“While everyone is telling you how great you are, someone has to tell you the truth. None of us gets it right all the time. Vice versa is true… whenever everyone says you bombed then someone has to remind you that there are always haters in the world. Truth usually lies somewhere between the two… and the truth sets you free”.
– Bill & Julie Mauldin
“When things get difficult, you go back into the heart of who you are to re-find your footing and your faith.”
– Bill & Julie Mauldin